How can we increase green finance to ensure the UK can meet its decarbonisation commitments?

At Willmott Dixon we want to reimagine the future of construction. We believe that the lens that we look at the future is very clear. If we continue the same path, and don’t innovate, we will become obsolete – business as usual is not an option. Just like the car industry, we are having our “electric” moment. Decades of innovation stagnation are coming to an end as “perfect storm” conditions brew.

At a series of thought-leadership round table events hosted in our Wales & West region in Spring 2023, discussions focused on how to improve the flow of finance to decarbonise buildings.

Willmott Dixon is fully committed to playing its part in the drive to decarbonise buildings and is eager to draw lessons from the front line that would help address the problems of transition - In particular, of securing and matching green finance with the most suitable and effective means of both decarbonising and improving the energy efficiency of our building stock.

Of all the sectors to decarbonise, buildings is the most complex, due to a combination of the wide variety of age, materials, owners, interested parties and building types that are involved. Decarbonising buildings relies on lowering the energy demand through passive design, which ensures the structure, insulation and orientation minimises energy use, as well as the use of more efficient heating and electrical devices – such as heat pumps and solar panels - and behavioural changes by consumers. Net zero builds also rely on decarbonisation of the power supply.

Our White Paper sets out some basics of the current situation regarding public and private finance for the built environment, and then explores each of the recommendations in more detail.

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