Millfield Green - set to be a net-zero carbon in operation retirement village, consisting of leisure space and 200 apartments
Delivering a state-of-the-art net-zero carbon retirement living village
As we all take our different paths towards net zero, there are both challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. We’re being inundated with facts, figures and statistics, but the true value lies in collaboration and learning from each other.
We’re all on slightly different journeys, but we all have the same goal: meet the Government’s net zero targets by 2050 (at the latest!).
At Willmott Dixon, we’re on a mission to #SimplifySustainability in the construction industry. We know that not everyone needs to be a sustainability expert, but that we can all learn from experts, share our experiences and feel empowered to make decisions.
We have lots of content coming soon helping to simplify sustainability. If you want to make sure you don't miss anything, simply sign up by clicking the link below.
Ironically, there is a lot of sustainability "jargon" in the industry. So the first thing we're doing is taking it back to basics and sharing what these terms really mean for customers. We'll be releasing a few definitions every week on our social media channels and on the page below. You can watch our people explaining the terms or simply download a PDF with them all on here.
If there is a term you think is missing, let us know here.
Keep checking back as we'll be adding more content over time to help simplify sustainability!
Delivering a state-of-the-art net-zero carbon retirement living village
Achieving a 56% reduction in CO2 across four Oxford leisure centres by replacing gas boilers with heat pumps.
The build of 12 new one-bedroom apartments and six houses designed to Passivhaus standards in Trethomas and Trecenydd, Caerphilly.
Largest non-residential building to achieve coveted ultra low energy consumption Passivhaus standard
Creating a NetZero carbon school for 350 pupils with SEND requirements.
The building has been completed to a world-class, industry-leading standard with 50% of the development made up of pre-manufactured value.