As one of the largest privately owned companies specialising in construction, development and support services, we pride ourselves on our strong family values.

Our values that support everything we do:

Fair and Straightforward

We work in a way that is honest and fair. We value transparency and act with professionalism and integrity towards our customers, our partners and each other.

  • Striving not to overcomplicate
  • Living our behaviours
  • Being honest and open
  • Having courage in our conversations
  • Sharing in our success, incentives for all


We strive for long-term partnerships based on achieving mutual best interests with like-minded customers and trusted partners.

  • Building long term loyalty
  • Being one team with common goals
  • Having a ‘can do’ attitude
  • Embracing innovation and change

Human Touch

We recognise that good business is all about people.

  • Always putting Health & Safety first
  • Providing opportunities for a career of a lifetime
  • Being caring & approachable
  • Developing high performing, complementary teams
  • Nurturing an inclusive and diverse environment

Leaving a Legacy

We have always had a purpose beyond profit and aim to be the sector leader in sustainability. We believe in creating a long-term legacy for the communities in which we work and provide enduring, sustainable solutions that enhance social value and improve lives.

  • Being Committed to zero avoidable waste
  • Delivering projects that are net zero by design and fit for future climates
  • Being zero-carbon in our operations
  • Providing solutions fit for future generations
  • Strengthening communities and transforming lives

Our Vision

We will build on our history and reputation by undertaking our activities in a sustainable and responsible manner that contributes to society as a whole.