trees planted
honoured with a 70-acre wood
delivered by volunteers
The Queen's Green Canopy was created to honour the Queen's service and legacy...
To celebrate The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022, we planted trees for the Queen’s Green Canopy – a 70-acre wood created to honour the Queen’s service and legacy.
Working in partnership with the Rotary Club of Bloxwich Phoenix, Rotary members, volunteers and Walsall MBC Green Space, we planted 240 native trees during a tree planting session.
The trees planted were the Woodland Trust’s year-round colour tree pack, which includes 30 Hawthorns, 30 Silver Birch trees, 30 Hazel trees and 15 Dogwoods. We also planted a number of wildlife trees, including 15 Hawthorns, 15 Hazel trees, 15 Silver Birches, 15 Rowan trees, 15 Oak trees and 30 Blackthorn trees.
To ensure this woodland is maintained, we collaborated with the Rotary Club to create a commitment to managing the trees.
“The aim of the project was to improve local environment and help celebrate the upcoming Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We felt that we achieved this whilst enjoying the hours outdoors!” - Stuart, Community Chair Rotary Club Bloxwich Phoenix.
We also funded a further Woodland Trust Urban tree pack that two local schools can plant on their grounds with students.