Built on collaboration - celebrating the success of the Supply Chain Sustainability School 

Julia Barrett looks at the impact of the school in driving a more sustainable construction industry as we table the net zero agenda

At Willmott Dixon, we understand in the ever-changing world of sustainability the path to progress is not one we can walk alone. So in 2012 we helped found the Supply Chain Sustainability School. Eleven years on, it has been instrumental in embedding sustainable knowledge and practices in thousands of companies in the construction industry through its excellent virtual learning resources and sharing of expertise by partners.

The school was established with a conviction that a profound shift in industry thinking and sustainability knowledge was essential for the future of our planet. By promoting collaboration among tier one contractors, the school represented a refreshing departure from cut-throat competition, creating a culture of knowledge sharing and best practice to drive positive change.

Fast forward to today and we now have 201 funding partners that have come together to share insights, learn from one another, and support our combined supply chains with resources, training, and guidance, spanning energy efficiency, waste reduction, ethical sourcing, and social value creation.

Our own company’s Now or Never sustainability strategy is dependent on effective collaboration with like-minded supply chain partners across the industry. It's worth noting that the activities of our partners on our own projects generate 99 times more carbon emissions than our own direct emissions, so we are grateful for the transformative impact the school has had as we strive to meet targets aligned with the science-based 1.5°C scenario.

Last year, Willmott Dixon achieved a significant milestone by becoming the first company to have 100 supply chain partners reporting via the school's carbon emissions reporting portal. With nearly 25,000 individuals from over 5,000 companies actively engaged in virtual learning through the school, and a target to reach 50,000 people annually by 2025, there is great potential to increase engagement across partners and further embed sustainability in supply chains.

To join us on this journey to towards a sustainable future, sign up for free as a company or individual member of the school. You will benefit from over 400 training sessions, tailored assessments with action plans, a library of over 3,300 online resources, and be able to access the carbon emissions portal to calculate your business’ footprint in minutes - click here to find out more.