Every year, each office elects a final-year management trainee to plan and deliver a community project, with just £500 seed money. Our trainees engage with local stakeholders and charity partners, galvanising our people and supply-chain partners to support. In 2021, all challenges were guided by Now or Never.
Read more about what our trainee challenger in Central South, Alex Serazio, achieved…
Alex’s challenge focused on raising awareness of clothing waste, innovating to design 100% recyclable workwear, and supporting charity, Building for the Future.
To start with, Alex wanted to raise awareness amongst the region and its supply chain about clothing waste. An estimated £140m worth of clothing is sent to UK landfill each year. However, across the UK, there are a number of organisations that recycle unworn clothing, either by turning it into new products or donating wearable items to those in need.
To encourage our people to donate their old items, Alex led a communications campaign across the region which included Toolbox Talks with our supply chain. This resulted in a company-wide collection of clothing across sites in Central South, which saw 246kg of clothes being recycled. 191kg were sent to East Europe for people in need and 55kg were converted into insulation.
To prevent old clothing going to landfill, Alex undertook a research project, to design workwear which is 100% recycled and recyclable. It was a complex challenge. There are a considerable number of factors to consider, including the fabric itself, the chemical used to create and add colour, and the complex nature of segregating different components during the recycling stage. He continues to investigate this project.
Thirdly, Alex raised funds for charity, Building for the Future. The Wokingham based, parent led charity provides activities, support and therapy for children with disabilities and/or additional needs.