Connectivity an engine for growth

Connectivity powers growth; we can help provide seamless transition between transport options

Better connectivity is essential for quick and seamless movement.

Efficient infrastructure linking together different modes of transport is vital to 'joining the dots' to create a 'place' for new investment. Fast connectivity for journeys within urban act as a catalyst for business growth and access to broader skills markets and training.

Lincoln Transport hub main mid 2.jpgLincoln's transport hub was a catalyst for wider investment and growth

Transport hubs also address productivity issues that costs the UK economy over £23.1 billion a year.. In many large European cities, for example, 67% of people can get to city centres by public transport in under 30 minutes, compared to just 40% in the UK.

Good connectivity also gives people better and wider access to a city’s services and amenities, enhancing their health and wellbeing, and helps reduce car use and road congestion, improving air quality and lowering carbon emissions.

Halifax bus interchange - drone pictures 2 Jan 2023 medium res.jpg

Halifax is one example of investment in transport interchange infrastructure (above). People using the interchange will benefit from a new fully enclosed passenger entrance and concourse, with better access and more shops, as well as real-time bus and rail information to help with onward journeys. They will also have a safe and secure waiting environment, and level walking routes for all users.

Transport Hubs