Being a leader in sustainable development
Welcome to our 2020 Sustainable Development Review. This publication shows the progress we made in 2019 in the delivery of our 2013-2020 Sustainable Development Strategy, which supports our ambition of being a leader in sustainable development.
Rick Willmott, Group Chief Executive
Julia Barrett, Chief Sustainability Officer
Securing a hat trick of Queens Awards for Enterprise
Our 2019 performance
We launched our 2013-2020 Sustainable Development Strategy, Transforming Tomorrow, in 2013, and reviewed and updated it in 2017. By the end of 2019, we were on track to deliver 88% of the Strategy’s actions and targets.
You can find out more detail on progress against our Strategy here.
This section of the Review provides an update on our 2019 performance.
Sustainability at Willmott Dixon
Being a leader in sustainable development means having robust systems and processes in place to drive what we do, manage risk, and identify opportunity. This section provides signposts to the structures which support our sustainability endeavours.