Supporting people into good careers is one of the most effective ways to improve a person’s life chances. This starts with our people and extends to those in our supply chain and beyond.
This belief is what led us to sign up to the Real Living Wage, to set our 2030 gender parity ambition and to invest in our people's learning and development. You can find out more about our approach to supporting the people working at Willmott Dixon here.
Our Careers Target
In 2020, we set ourselves a new headline target to support 500,000 people with their careers. At the core of our careers target, we focus on helping people facing barriers to work; over months and years, we can help them develop good careers, some of them in our business.
In 2021, we supported 18 people into jobs with our supply chain partners and hired two people facing barriers to work directly into Willmott Dixon.
To support our careers target, we delivered numerous programmes, from activities supporting young people with their careers, to setting up training academies to target a specific local need, to partnering with labour agencies focused on social inclusion. We delivered 343 programmes in support of our improvement target in 2021.
Connections are one-off activities designed to 'plant a seed'. In 2021, we made connections with 49,600 people.
You can find out more about some of the activities we’ve run to support people over the past year, here.
Key4Life’s YOUNITED Flag recognises our work to support ex-offenders
As signatories of the Social Mobility Pledge, and as part our Now or Never ambitions, a lot of the work we do is aimed at helping those furthest from the labour market find employment. In Autumn 2021, we became one of only a handful of companies to receive the Key4Life YOUNITED Flag. The YOUNITED Flag award was awarded to us from crime prevention charity, Key4Life, which has an overarching objective to encourage companies to employ ex-offenders and give them another chance.