Processes and procedures to safeguard the environment
We manage our environmental risks in order to protect the environment from harm.
In 2020 we had four major incidents. Our incident response procedures were followed with full communication to all stakeholders and no further action was taken. We had no prosecutions during the year
We believe that the most effective way to improve environmental compliance is to promote a culture of openness, where everyone recognises risk, is vigilant and aware of their responsibilities to address issues.
We maintained an integrated risk management system for health, safety and environmental disciplines (Environmental Management System ISO14001:2015, Health and Safety system ISO45001:2018). Our associated policy and procedures are recognised by these international standards for communications, IT, sustainability commitments and people.
In 2020, we continued to build upon our Mi:Project suite, a centralised system for reporting health, safety and environmental data. We launched Mi:Audit, integrating the system with Mi:Risk, simplifying our processes to better assure compliance.
Having launched our Mi:SHE mobile app in 2019, enabling project teams to easily report observations and incidents and recognise examples of good practice, we have seen an increased take up and improvement in our data reporting. This information is helping us make Willmott Dixon a safer place to work whilst better protecting the environment.