We are setting the standard for creating low carbon places for working, learning and living. Our approach takes many forms, including:

  • Reduction of embodied carbon in construction materials;
  • Sustainable construction processes;
  • Sustainable procurement, using local suppliers wherever possible;
  • Constructing energy efficient buildings;
  • Installation of photovoltaics and on-site renewables; and
  • Retrofitting of existing buildings with energy efficiency measures.

We follows the classic energy hierarchy: reducing and minimising energy use; improving energy efficiency; and using renewable energy wherever possible.

Embodied carbon

We aim to reduce the amount of embodied carbon or embodied energy used during a construction project, as part of our aim to cut the whole life carbon footprints of the buildings we construct. We use embodied carbon profiling on all our major projects.

Sustainable construction processes

Willmott Dixon manages construction processes as sustainability as possible. We have an environmental management system which is used on all our projects, with areas such as energy use and waste measured through key performance indicators. The environmental system is reviewed annually, as part of our drive for continuous improvement in our environmental performance.

We also use local suppliers and local labour, and frequently provide training and apprenticeships in the local community. We aim to leave a positive legacy wherever we work.

Sustainable procurement

Willmott Dixon expects high environmental standards of all our suppliers. We will often provide training and guidance for our supply chain, helping them to improve their approach to sustainability.

We follow recognised environmental standards for procurement of products, for example, requiring Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification for all projects using timber.

Photovoltaics and on-site renewables

Willmott Dixon frequently installs on-site renewable energy sources, to help clients reduce the running costs of their buildings.We have fitted photovoltaic (PV) panels on a huge range of projects, and we are currently fitting the UK's largest solar array at North West Bicester Eco Town. Other on-site renewables we install include ground source heat pumps and biomass plants.

Energy efficient buildings

We frequently work with clients to reduce the 'carbon footprint' of their building, so that its operational and whole-life costs will be lower. This includes using more thermally-efficient building products, and low-energy heating and lighting.

BREEAM and other environmental rating systems

Many Willmott Dixon projects achieve exception environmental ratings using standards such as BREEAM and Passivhaus.

We have delivered numerous projects to BREEAM ratings of Very Good, Excellent, and Outstanding, while our credentials for Passivhaus include a university and secondary school that meet this standard for highly energy-efficient building with very low inherent energy demands.